Master thesis defense presentation template free download ppt
Master thesis defense presentation template free download ppt

master thesis defense presentation template free download ppt

The study area shown here is 246 000 km squared and represents approximately 26% of the province.

master thesis defense presentation template free download ppt

To address this issue, I used NCC’s Central Interior ERA has a case study to introduce the concept of persistent climate corridors and their applicability to conservation planning.

master thesis defense presentation template free download ppt

Admittedly in is unrealistic to expect a complete restructuring of our current reserve networks but the purpose of this research is to a) demonstrate the need to improve how we manage our resources and b) provide a potential starting point towards the development of a new decision making tool. The polygons outlined in dark blue represent B.C.’s protected areas and the coloured polygons represent the PCCs of the biogeoclimatic zones of B.C.

  • This map illustrates the flaw in applying static boundaries to a dynamic system.
  • Standard practice is to place static boundaries As our climate changes species are likely to migrate outside static park boundaries.
  • These changes have serious implications for biodiversity conservation.
  • More specifically, I focused on the impact of climate change on the distribution of listed plant species and ecological communities. For my research, I focused on its impacts on biodiversity and the ability of resource managers to conserve and maintain native ecological communities in the face of climate change.
  • As we are all aware climate change is impacting our environment in a variety of complicated and interacting processes.
  • Your support and encouragement is greatly appreciated.
  • I’d like to thank everybody for coming today to listen to my presentation today.

  • Master thesis defense presentation template free download ppt